Sunday, June 28, 2009


Eek. No posts in two years. Oh well, what's the point of a forced blog? Especially when one is basically writing it for himself?

I feel compelled to try this again thanks to Twitter. The 140-character limit can be restricting, obviously, and sometimes I just want to scribble down a bit more. So while I've really enjoyed the microblogging style, I want to sometimes go just a bit beyond that. I'll come here to post just slightly longer entries.

To start, here is a random observation from current popular television. My girlfriend and I have been watching Weeds lately. We're up to about the midpoint of season 3. Is it just me, or does the Nancy character revel in being debased? What's up with that? That's such an uncomfortable area, I find. And I'm surprised they keep trotting it back out.