I've made good on some New Year's resolutions in the past, so I go into January with a lot of optimism around making positive changes. Thus far I've got three ideas for 2010:
1) Lose weight. This one is pretty important. My God-awful diet and sedentary lifestyle have left with me quite the spare tire. Time to get on top this.
2) Write. I desperately need a creative outlet, and I'm going to take a crack at creative writing. During my early 20s I scratched this itch with music, but for the past three years all I've done is work. Enough is enough.
3) Kant und Hegel. I dropped out of graduate school pretty early, but my lack of comprehension for German Idealism still bothers me. I'm going to take a slow approach and incorporate some secondary sources. No goal of mastery here, just a baseline understanding.